ATTENTION: Are You Desperate For The Glory Of God?
Free Training: The Real Truth About Interacting With The Glory Of God…
And you don’t want to miss it…
Here’s How To Prepare:
I heard a story once of this church who sent their Pastor to the Toronto Blessing, hoping that he would be touched by God and bring it back to the church.
So, the Pastor went to the meetings for a full month and nothing happened. He called back to his church telling them of his failure at getting a touch from God. His church, desperate for a move of God, told him to stay up longer.
The Pastor ended up staying in Toronto for a full 3 month before finally giving up on getting a touch from God and headed back home.
Instead of going home right away, he knew that the worship band was practicing so he decided to stop in at the church.
He walked inside, waved at the band and the craziest thing happened.
Every band member fell out under the power of God.
What this Pastor didn’t know is that being at Toronto had put him right into God’s Glory Invasion Realm. He had more power than he thought he did.
That church ended up having an amazing revival that changed hundreds of lives.
All because one person got touched by the glory of God!
Right now, there is a revival starting off that has been prophesied by multiple Prophets including the late Bob Jones.
If you want to be part of it, you have to be prepared.
When you watch the following video (taken from my Glory Invasion Mentoring Series), it will prepare you to see signs, wonders, and miracles happen in your life just like that Pastor experienced.
Click the button below to get started…
Dr. David Herzog