ATTENTION: Are You Desperate For The Glory Of God?
Free Training: The Real Truth About Interacting With The Glory Of God…
Chances are… if you are on this page today, and you’re watching this video that you are hungry for the glory of God.
You want to see more signs, wonders, and miracles, but the moment you go into prayer or meditation, you feel like you’re missing out… that maybe you’re not good enough to experience what everyone else is experiencing.
However, I can tell you that isn’t true.
In fact, God wants to show you His glory. He wants you to be able to walk into a room where everyone in the room gets hit by the glory of God.
He wants you to experience Him to a point where you can’t get out of His presence. Where all you experience every day is His presence.
He wants that for you.
The question is do you want it for yourself?
Not that long ago, there was an old man lying on his deathbed. The cancer was spreading and the doctors told him that he only had a couple days left.
In this moment of knowing that his life is ending, the old man called his son to him.
His son went over to his bedside and leaned over to here his father tell him, in a raspy voice, “Son. Don’t make the same mistakes I made in life.”
“Years ago, there was this revival going on… Azusa… I think it was. Yeah. Azusa Street in Los Angeles.”
“Well, when it was first starting, I had friends who told me to come with them… but I made excuses because I was busy… to much work, you know.”
The old man coughed and held his hand to his lungs with pain. He knew his life was ending.
He continued… “I wish I would have gone, son. I missed out on a great move of God… because of … work.”
You could see the old man’s brow furrow in regret.
“Whatever you do, don’t miss a move of God son… Go after it and prepare yourself!”
The old man closed his eyes and sighed. It was too much work to say anything more…
The next morning the old man breathed his last and his biggest regret was that he missed a move of God.
This story is one that I made up, but it contains something really important for everyone to know.
The most important thing in our life is our relationship with God. When He moves, we have to be prepared, we have to step up and meet Him… or we could miss out on a move of God.
That’s why you’re on this page right now… I want to give you an opportunity to get all 6 videos of the Glory Invasion Mentoring Series and $362 worth of Glory Conference Recordings for 90% OFF. (Keep reading below for more info.)
I want you to be prepared for the move of God that’s happening this year, in 2017.
When you go through the videos and prepare yourself, you’ll be empowered to lead people all around you into the presence of God. This way, if people make a bad decision to miss this coming move of God, you’ll be able to help them turn their decision around!

I’m David Herzog and when the glory of God got ahold of me, the miracles, signs, and wonders followed me everywhere I went.
I didn’t even have to do anything. It became effortless.
Since then I’ve seen multiple jewels manifest out of thin air, I’ve encountered ministering angels, I’ve seen miracles that I never even dreamed about, and I’ve been able to touch millions of people all around the world with God’s goodness.

If you want to experience similar things, then this 90% off offer is the right thing for you.
You’ll be amazed at how easy miracles come. But that’s not it, you’ll have an energy and strength that you didn’t know existed… fear, stress, worry, and strife will fall off of your life… and you’ll live a life of joy and bliss no matter what circumstances you fall into.

How to Shift from operating in the Anointing to the Glory
How to operate in Creative Miracles, Signs and Wonders in the Glory
How to see walk into the Future now, understanding and activating being “transported” by the spirit
How to release miracles from a distance and how time reversal operates in the Glory
How to prophesy in the accelerated glory realm versus the gift that opens up nations, governments, and creation itself obeying the prophetic word from the Glory realm
How to release supernatural financial miracles in the glory as Jesus, Elijah and others did
Keys to how to receive the full impartation of the Glory followed by David praying over you to release and activate the glory realm over your life
2016 Summer of Glory Unleashed
We just returned from Jerusalem and released the huge glory impartation that occurred there during Pentecost along with Joshua Mills who was with us in Israel and Prophet Timothy Snodgrass.
2016 Glory Awakening New Beginnings
Join Joshua Mills, Timothy Snodgrass, Doug Addison, and David & Stephanie Herzog on Rosh Hashanah as the prophetic gets released over the changes that are happening in the USA in this season.
2015 Glory Signs and Wonders
6 sessions with Joshua Mills, David Herzog, and Stephanie Herzog. The glory of God showed up like crazy in this conference. We saw signs, wonders, and miracles including gold dust and gold teeth.
2015 Passover Glory Festival
7 Sessions with Bobby Conner, Joshua Mills, David Herzog, and Stephanie Herzog. You’ll discover how to know the “secrets” of God, how to create and be an atmosphere, and lots of other amazing insights.
2013 Pentecost Glory Invasion
8 sessions with Chuck Pierce, Sid Roth, Peter Wagner, Dr. Michael Maiden, David Herzog, and Stephanie Herzog. You’ll discover how to unlock the power of Pentecost over your life plus many other things.
2012 Las Vegas Glory Invasion
7 sessions with John Paul Jackson, Randy DeMain, David Herzog , and Stephanie Herzog. You’ll discover how to hear God more clearly, how to interact with the courts of heaven, and many other insights.
2012 Prophetic Glory
6 sessions with Bobby Conner, David Herzog , and Stephanie Herzog. You’ll get many prophetic nuggets with a wealth of wisdom and revelation.
2016 Passover Glory Festival
8 Sessions with Joshua Mills, Jerame Nelson, and David & Stephanie Herzog where we released a revival impartation to all who where there. It was an incredible time of miracles, signs and wonders!
2016 Prophetic Glory
6 Sessions with Randy Demain, David Herzog, and Stephanie Herzog. The glory of God was released in power. A lot of prophetic revelation was released and you get to experience all of it.
2015 Pentecost Glory Invasion
5 Sessions with Brian “Head” Welch, David Herzog, and Stephanie Herzog. This is our first conference ever where we had a resurrection during the worship service. Plus, Brian’s story of being part of Korn is amazing!
2014 Pentecost Glory Invasion
9 sessions with Chuck Pierce, Joshua Mills, Randy Demain, David Herzog, and Stephanie Herzog. The glory of pentecost was released to everyone there as incredible miracles, signs, and wonders took place.
2013 Passover Glory Festival
6 sessions with Dr. Michael Maiden, Todd White, David Herzog , and Stephanie Herzog. You’ll discover how to walk in radical love and the power of the Holy Spirit to see miracles, signs, and wonders on a daily basis.
2012 Passover Glory Festival
6 sessions with Lance Wallnau, Randy DeMain, David Herzog , and Stephanie Herzog. You’ll learn how to align with God to walk in your destiny and calling as well as insights on the DNA of God.

Normally $459.00
ONLY $47 Today!
6 powerful streaming videos (30+ minutes each)
Courts Of Heaven downloadable PDF (one of my best selling books of all time)
Full downloadable MP3 recordings of 13 conferences we’ve done in the past (over 80 hours of teachings)
Get activated in the Glory Realm that overrides the anointing of the past
Improve your relationship with God as you get to know Him deeper
Discover the truth about the gifts of the Spirit & how to walk in them
Experience heaven on earth all day, every day

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What is so important about the glory of God?