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Jubilee is awaiting us this Pentecost!

Pentecost is one of the most powerful prophetic make or break seasons where God releases the new infusion of Power, Favor and Direction for your destiny or you end up going around the same mountain for another season.
God visits his people more powerfully in this season than any other. It is the timing where the provision, power and blessing God has promised since Passover gets fully released and activated at Pentecost! God made this feast a commanded blessing to all who would celebrate and take the time to honor God at this specific time by gathering with God's people and positioning yourself to get the huge downloads of his power, provision, favor and breakthrough.
Pentecost is one of the "Seasonal Portals" where crazy levels of Heaven and Glory get released.
This year you absolutely don't want to miss you Pentecost appointment with God!
At the Pentecost Glory Festival, you can expect to:
Have your destiny and life catapulted to new levels
Receive a fresh infusion of power, provision and glory for you destiny
Be Visited by Heaven's Glory like never before
Walk into a new level of Revival
Experience healings, miracles, signs and wonders like never before!
Receive a major impartation over your life
Receive clear prophetic direction
Experience a new "re-set" over your life
See God cause Breakthrough for you in new areas
Receive clarity on the next step to your ultimate destiny
At the Pentecost Glory Festival, you can expect to:
Have your destiny and life catapulted to new levels
Receive a fresh infusion of power, provision and glory for you destiny
Be Visited by Heaven's Glory like never before
Walk into a new level of Revival
Experience healings, miracles, signs and wonders like never before!
Receive a major impartation over your life
Receive clear prophetic direction
Experience a new "re-set" over your life
See God cause Breakthrough for you in new areas
Receive clarity on the next step to your ultimate destiny
New Level of Power, Glory, and Miracles
The Passover conference we recently held in Phoenix was the most powerful, full of glory, life changing and miraculous event we have held in 12 years! It also was super packed and we know Pentecost will be even more so! (Register before we are sold out) So, we are re-creating an environment where you can come and be with God in a powerfully anointed atmosphere during the Pentecost in a Jubilee season! This year, during for Pentecost, David Herzog Ministries will be hosting the Pentecost Glory Festival in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona on June 1-4. And, we want you to be there!
It is important to realize that during these “Kairos” (opportune moment, appointed day, due season) times, HUGE things occur in the heavenly realms and situations are shifted into proper alignment and position. So, it is important that we get in sync on Earth with what is happening in Heaven in order to receive the download of information God is wanting to pour out on us during these special times of year.
“Knowing what God is about to do and positioning yourself for it is the key to riding the wave of God's move on the earth with great blessing and favor.”
Make plans now to be with us at the Pentecost Glory Festival in June, and position yourself to enter into this season as one powerfully aligned for awakening in your life, in your Church, and in North America!
See what the Speakers are saying about the Conference:
Mahesh Chavda
Lance Wallnau
Steve Swanson
Jerame Nelson

$30.00 - Registration Rate
($10 per session Walk-In)
Please register each person separately.
Registration is Non-Refundable.
Come get immersed in the glory with these cutting edge speakers and worship leaders!

David & Stephanie Herzog, will have recently just returned from Jerusalem, Israel the day before and release the glory and Pentecost imparation directly from Jerusalem. They move in creative miracles, healings, prophetic, signs and wonders with lots of humor.

Lance Wallnau
Dr. Lance Wallnau has received major heavenly revelation on how to shift things on the earth in government, the church, media and many other spheres and in your life particularly now as the winds of change are in your favor.

Mahesh Chavda
Mahesh Chavda is a General and a carrier of the Glory of God and was a friend of Ruth Heflin. He is apostolic, prophetic and moves in healing, signs and wonders wherever he goes. He has seen resurrections and nations saved!

Jerame Nelson
Jeremy Nelson carries major revival mantle and leads and hosts the San Diego revival that has been occurring for over 1 year! He will release the full impartation of the power of God from San Diego. He flows in a high level of revelation, healings, miracles and the prophetic.

Steve Swanson
Steve Swanson will take us to the heavens as many have witnessed angels joining in singing audibly during his worship sessions bringing great glory and power and carry you into the heavenly realms with his powerful and glorious worship music. Steve carries a powerful anointing and impartation in worship, intercession, and prophecy, which creates an atmosphere of breakthrough in worship and opens the heavens.

Thursday, June 1st: 7pm
Friday, June 2nd: 10am, 2pm & 7pm
Saturday, June 3rd: 10am, 2pm & 7pm
Sunday, June 4th: 2pm & 7pm
*9 Sessions
