2018 Glory Awakening
Join Dr. David &Stephanie Herzog, Joshua Mills, Warren Marcus, and Bob Hazlett and worship with Steve Swanson at this 4-day event will be a time of revival fire impartation converging on the Southwest region of the United States with miracles, healings, signs and wonders, to awaken and ignite fresh prayer for a national revival and unveil prophetic revelation for the amazing days ahead!
Rosh Hashanah is one of those super prophetic seasons in which God speaks to His people more clearly and intimately and when His glory shows up in unprecedented ways! There is an increase at this time of year for God to release fresh assignments and alignments that affect our destiny. It is a time when believers, who honor these days and set aside time to be with God, position themselves to receive great heavenly visitations which open them to huge favor and blessings.
We call these times “seasonal portals,” where God promises to visit us in an extraordinary way if we just show up to the appointment.
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