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You’re About To Discover Secrets About The Glory Of God That I Have Never Released Before… And It Could Change Everything In Your Life Forever.
We’ve all heard it said thousands of times. There’s a “glory” conference here… another “glory” meeting there…
But, are they really walking in the glory of God or are they just using a buzzword to get vulnerable Christians to show up and buy their stuff?
That’s the real question.
In a little bit, I’m going to share with you a story of how I discovered the difference between what people claimed was the “glory” of God and what actually was the glory of God.
But, before I do, check out what people are already saying about “Secrets of the Glory”…
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What Others are Saying About this Book

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I’m David Herzog. The following story is the reason behind why I wrote this book and why you’re on this page right now.
It shows you the real truth about the glory of God and the anointing of God.
When I was younger, I used to dream of walking in signs and wonders. I wanted miracles to happen everywhere I went.
So, I did what I thought was right.
I went after it and became a revival speaker.
It seemed to all be going good until I spoke at a revival in France that kept going for 6 months. Miracles were happening. Signs and wonders were taking place.
You’d think this would make me feel full and satisfied…
But, it didn’t.
Instead, I got burned out to the point where I even felt physically sick. Instead of feeling happy, I felt depressed.
It didn’t make sense. It seemed like my dream had become a reality… but it didn’t feel like it at all.
I had to do something.
So, I went to a meeting where Prophetess Ruth Heflin was speaking because I knew she understood the glory of God.
And, in that meeting I realized something BIG… really BIG.
If I wanted to truly walk in the glory of God, I had to move from an Acts 2 anointing to an Acts 4 glory outpouring.
The anointing that God gives us is good - this is what happened when the Holy Spirit came down in Acts 2 - but the glory of God, the Acts 4 glory outpouring, is even better.
After that glory outpouring, the church went from addition to multiplication. They went from healing the sick to their shadows healing the sick.
Instead of having to walk only through their own anointing, the power of God followed them.
When I realized the truth about the Acts 4 glory outpouring and the difference between the anointing of God and the glory of God, everything changed for me.
Signs, wonders, and miracles started chasing me like a lion on the prowl for food. I couldn’t get away from it.
But that wasn’t the greatest thing that happened…
The feeling that I was missing something and that God wasn’t really for me disappeared. Instead, the feeling of joy that overtook me was greater than the feeling I had when I first got saved.
In this new book, “Secrets of the Glory”, I reveal exactly what the glory of God really is and what it really looks like to walk in the glory every day… without any effort or special anointing.
Chances are, just like many have already experienced, when you read it, you’ll be overcome by the presence of God.
Plus, I’m convinced that the information in this book can change everything for you, just like it did for me.
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Have you wondered how to access and get into the glory?

Have you ever wished someone could mentor you and answer all your questions while leading you step by step into the deeper realms of the secrets to accessing the glory of God?
Dr. David Herzog delves into the practical and deep realms of the glory to answer the questions that are often left unanswered.
Discover the Secrets of the Glory and walk into the fullness of your potential and destiny in the Glory of God.
Dr. David's over 25 years of experience in operating in the glory contained in this one book will help to take you there.
Highlights Include:
What exactly is the Glory?
How do you get the Glory to manifest tangibly and visibly?
How to access the Glory daily?
Operating instructions for creative miracles, signs and wonders
How prophesying in the glory opens up governments, presidents and kings
How the sick are healed and dead raised
How being transported from one location to another functions
What is Glory-Presence Evangelism?
How supernatural provision multiplies in the Glory
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